Having a good character is essential for success and happiness in life. It allows individuals to build trust, maintain strong relationships and make positive contributions to their communities. A person with good character is respected and admired by others and their influence can inspire others to follow in their footstep. Good character is also essential for personal growth and development. It allows individuals to overcome adversity and face challenges with courage and determination. It helps individual to make good decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Good character enables individuals to live a meaningful life, with purpose and direction. Once you have your goals set, create a plan to achieve them so when faced with temptations or distractions, practice self-control by reminding yourself of your goals and the consequences of giving in. Hold yourself accountable and take responsibility for your action. Cultivating good character takes time and effort but it is a worthwhile pursuit that can have a positive impact on oneself and others. When you have a good character people are more likely to trust you and the traits makes it easier to associate with people and build positive relationships. The reason why most people prayers are not answered is because of their bad character, the reason why people are not progressing is because of their bad character. Your character determines what type of people you attract to your life, and it will decide what type of person you are no matter how hard you try to pretend your character will unveil your true self.

You are always responsible for the consequence of your action so lets us endeavor to cultivate a good character. Some people are lonely and depressed thinking people are the problem whereas they are the problem because they don’t have a good character. Blessed is those that are pure in heart for they will see the Creator if you want to be successful make sure you have a good character. What ever you sow you will definitely reap you can’t keep sowing bad and you expect good in return likewise you can’t sow good and get bad in return. Make sure you live in peace with people around you and if anyone won’t allow you to be the better version of yourself its okay to let them go. When the time comes for you to explain yourself the Creator will put words in your mouth. Make sure you observe yourself and pray to the Creator to open your eyes to see, your ear to hear and mouth to speak when necessary.
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