Protect your light not everyone wants it on, not everyone around you wishes you well and you cant know the thought of other people except the Creator decides to show you and when you are been shown don’t say it out just observe and move on. Life is a roller coaster don’t think because the Creator connect with you today doesn’t mean you are special or chosen because there are billions of people and the Creator is what we all have in common. Never get too full of yourself or you will be removed and won’t feel connected anymore. Be who you are not what the world want you to be, always learn and try to set up your ideas in motion don’t feel ashamed of your self or where you are coming from because the Creator already decide who you are and what you will be even before you were born. Just follow the path that the Creator wants you to follow never be too full of your self because in the end you are just nothing.

There is nothing new under the sun and those who think they have experience everything are probably in a cage because has the sky has no limit then there is no limit to anything in this world. If you are struggling now you cant struggle for ever, if you are sad you cant be for ever and if you are happy now you can’t be forever because nothing last forever. It is easy to get depressed when things are not going your way but remember that for us to be strong we need to be tested. No matter how bad the situation, sooner or later it will pass and you will be relieved. In every situation always give thanks because no matter what you are going through the Creator is aware thou darkness will come in the night light comes in the morning so don’t fold because all will be well.

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