About Us

We inform, help and support the community

What Is Life Reality?

We are all in a box – the life box where expression is tagged immorality, and the reality is only a
vague imagination that you have to keep in your head, else you’re classified as a weird or insane
Life and its moral and religious stereotypes have handicapped us from saying things, asking
questions, and giving life to our thoughts. The question to ask are these thoughts really taboo
or are the moral and political cabals just trying to keep things running on this lie we call life?
Giving expression to your thoughts by reading your mind and giving you room to speak without
being misunderstood, neglected or judged is our aim at Life Reality!

Who Are We Here for?

Life reality is not a company or any random blog, we are YOU! We are here to give a proper
expression to your thoughts and give you a comfortable community where you can speak
without feeling terrible, and explain some life realities.
We are here for some categories of people;
● The lonely
● The relationship people
● The evasive historians
● The people with struggles
Let’s explain the situation of each category;

A. The Lonely
In this age and time, loneliness has such a bad reputation as against what it ought to be.

You’ll be alone and lonely at one point in life – whether you’re popular or have the largest family.
This period of loneliness usually leads to depression for many people.

However, if you think about it closely, the period is best for self discovery and planning to live a
fulfilled life.

You may have family, friends, and other people around, but you feel lonely, neglected and
you can’t speak out. Also, you may be going through life challenges, and the pains are
unbearable, and you feel the need to end it since there is no point.

Likewise, there are thoughts in your head that we don’t speak about in society, and people won’t
give you an audience if you decide to talk about it. On the off chance that people listen to you,
they start to assume that you are “Mr know all” or better still, the “overwise” person of your

There’s a need to understand we need each other to grow. That’s what life is all about helping
and supporting each other to grow.

At Life Reality, we are one big family and whatever you are going through, don’t let it weigh you
down because someone somewhere else is going through the same thing.

We believe that we need each other to grow and Life Reality is here to sharpen and make you
ensure you’re stronger by never letting you walk alone.

This platform is here to share your pain, thoughts and struggles anonymously,
and get a
path that will lead to solution.

You’re not the only one with thoughts or going through any of this pain, so be calm and join this

B. The Relationship people
Relationships, both platonic and sexual, have had another meaning in this generation. People
are only willing to commit to any relationship if they are gaining from you.

You will only make friends if you have money and connection, and when that money isn’t there,
your so-called friends disappear. Friendships are now a business transaction that gets sour
when money isn’t involved.

Relationship, on the other hand, is also about sex and money. people will only follow you if you
have a big ass and stashed body, influencing girls to go for surgery. This has killed many
people, and we still have many people going in that direction.

Girls, on the other hand, are on a quest to leave the suffering through their relationships. So, “if
you don’t have money, they see the boy as no one and hopeless. This had made many young boy
do so many illegal and unlawful things just to get money and here by selling their souls.

This can make you zero relationship and think you cant find love again but deep down you want to
find someone to love and have someone love you because this world is all about love.

This platform is also for you. we can help you focus and channel your energy towards self development
and commitment to understand and help you find the love again you truly deserve.

C. The Evasive Historians
The reason for the apparent manipulation and surprising gullibility of many is the lack of history. Many people fail to realize that there were people living before them and there will be people living after.

That’s why the fool of this century is a person unwilling to unlearn and relearn things they know
and realize life is all about learning, the more you live the more you learn.

Once you get connected to your history and origin, then you realize everything working positively
in your life. People lack real strategy, i see a lot of people working at 100 miles per hour running
around doing things that don’t make growth or progress because they are lost and dont know.

At Life reality we are ready to take the walk together to help each other discover and know who
we are has one big family that is big enough to contain you and small enough to reach you
to get to our ORIGIN which is our power and source of existence.

D. The people with Struggles
Struggles for people start when they are given birth to and start to grow, truth is struggles never
end. There are lots of thing that people struggle about deep down that they are scared to say it

At Life reality we are here to help you control the struggle and don’t let it overcome you because
Life is a battle and we need to be Triumphant, no matter what struggle you are going through
let us know at Life reality then we can help each other tackle it together.

At Life Reality, we are here to help each other discover our truth. If you can’t discover yourself,
not only will you be lost, the struggles will overcome you because you do not set a purpose ahead.

At Life Reality, we value your opinions and thought processes, and we believe that life is a lot
more than we can see or imagine. Hence, our platform will allow you to speak what you feel is
the truth without any bullying.


We at Lifereality dont claim we are the creator and we never claim to be perfect because no one is
perfect except the Creator, we are just here to help each other fight the battle together and conquer.

We are here to help you become a person of high value that can actually posses useful skills to
yourself and let people understand that trying to grow too fast can be counter productive and can
actually limit growth.

We are here to help people live free and happy despite any life challenges being faced and let people
know there is always light at the end of every tunnel even darkness can be your light to make you shine.

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